Sunday, December 17, 2006

Quiz: Idioms

Idioms use language metaphorically.
To learn English idioms, BBC English provides you with very good resources. In the meantime, try this quiz.

Fingers and thumbs

1. “John has green fingers.”
a. John’s fingers are the colour green.
b. John has little experience.
c. John is very good at gardening.

2. “She never lifts a finger.”
a. She’s tired.
b. She’s very lazy.
c. She’s ill.

3. After the money was stolen in the office, she pointed the finger at her colleague.
a. She accused her colleague of stealing the money.
b. She hurt a colleague with her finger.
c. She told her colleague he could have stolen her ring.

4. I'll have my fingers crossed for you when you sit your exam.
a. I don’t care.
b. I wish you a lot of pain.
c. I wish you luck.

5. He's really clever. He's got every answer right at his fingertips.
a. He knows the answers without having to think about them.
b. He has written the answers on his fingers.
c. He cheats.

6. You can count the friends she has on the fingers of one hand.
a. She’s got lots of friends.
b. She doesn’t have many friends.
c. She writes her friends’ names on her fingers.

7. You'd better not lay a finger on him!
a. Don't hurt him!
b. Don’t help him!
c. Don’t accuse him!

8. She's got her finger in every pie. I wish she would just concentrate on her own job instead.
a. She’s eating, not working at all.
b. She loves pies.
c. She's over-involved in every project at work.

9. He stuck out like a sore thumb at the wedding.
a. He accused the bride and bridegroom.
b. At the wedding everybody was dressed formally but he was wearing jeans.
c. He cut himself while cutting a slice of cake.

10. She's completely under his thumb.
a. She dominates him.
b. He is taller.
c. She is dominated by him.

11. He's all fingers and thumbs.
a. He’s good at cooking.
b. He’s very clumsy. Don't give him that plate to carry.
c. He is creative.

12. My idea got the thumbs up from the boss.
a. My boss was pleased.
b. My boss was irritated.
c. My boss accused me of cheating.

13. Don't sit there twiddling your thumbs!
a. Help me finish this here!
b. Don’t be afraid!
c. Don’t worry about your debts!

More BBC resources.
More BBC quizzes.

Key: Move your cursor here.>1c - 2b- 3a - 4c - 5a - 6b – 7a - 8c - 9b - 10c - 11b – 12 a - 13 a

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