Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Are you satisfied?

Are you satisfied with your phone and internet service providers?

A survey has revealed very interesting things about British consumers’ satisfaction with phone and internet providers or suppliers. The survey was conducted by uSwitch Customer Satisfaction. They have just published their report.

- more than 11,000 customers were surveyed;
- most internet and phone providers fail to match rising customer numbers with improved services and technology;
- there has been a 9% drop in broadband satisfaction levels;
- customer trust in their internet suppliers is currently at an "all time low";
- customer satisfaction levels were also shown to have dropped 4% among home phone users compared to an earlier survey conducted six months ago;
- low-cost broadband deals have seen subscriber numbers rise by almost 650,000 since March;
- the providers aren't investing enough money in their technology, to ensure that they are looking after customer needs in an acceptable manner;
- Broadband provider Virgin.net came top, with 85% of its customers expressing satisfaction;
- Telewest came second with 83% and Tiscali third with 80%;
- Tiscali came top of the home phone providers with a customer satisfaction rating of 81%;
You can read the BBC text here.

What about your satisfaction here in Portugal?
Do you think these surveys are useful and worthwhile?
What do you do when you aren’t satisfied?
a. I smash my computer

b. I call the service provider and complain

c. I send the provider a gift.

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