Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dutch government backs burqa ban

Social interaction is easier if faces are not covered. You see the other person, you see his / her emotions. Face-to-face conversation sounds much better than on the phone, for example.

However, banning a tradition (like wearing burkas) has led some to say that basic human rights are at risk.

Read the story about a controversial decision in the Netherlands, a country that has been synonymous with FREEDOM.

Complete the text with these passive voice forms.

are promoted - can be disturbed - has been backed - is expected - is known - are thought - would also be covered - would be banned

A proposal to ban Muslim women from wearing the burqa in public places ______ by the Dutch cabinet by the country's immigration minister.

The burqa, a full body covering that also obscures the face, ______ by law in the street, and in trains, schools, buses and the law courts. Public order, citizens and safety ______ by burqas, the cabinet said. The decision comes days ahead of elections which the ruling centre-right coalition ______ to win.

Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk, who ______ for her tough policies, said it was important that all people in the Netherlands were able to see and identify each other clearly. That way integration and tolerance ______.

Last year a majority of MPs in the Dutch parliament said they were in favour of a ban. An estimated 6% of 16 million people living in the Netherlands are Muslims.

But there ______ to be fewer than 100 women who choose to wear the burqa, a traditional Islamic form of dress.

The latest move came after an expert committee judged that it would not contravene Dutch law. Other forms of face coverings, such as crash helmets with visors that obscure the face, _____ by a legal ban.

Read the whole BBC story here.

Key: To see the key, move your cursor mouse from here >> 1. has been backed 2. would be banned 3. can be disturbed 4. is expected 5. is known 6. are promoted 7. are thought 8. would also be covered

Think about this issue. What’s your position? Are you for or against the ban?

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